The word happiness constantly gets thrown around. The word is starting to lose its true meaning as many people are not following the cliche of "living life to the fullest." The holiday season is supposedly the happiest time of year, but as I look around at family, friends and strangers, I don't feel the joy and optimism in their life. Having the choice of road A and road B does seem to exist anymore. The pressures of society has directed them to take one path and try to be happy along the way. People need to be courageous and be confident to take a u-turn even if no one follows you. Something that irritated me was a television program on what you should do to be happy. There is no formula to your happiness. It's simple, just do whatever makes you happy (at the same time be smart about it). I know it may not be as easy for others to pursue their happiness under many circumstances, but it is still possible. Some people may have to work harder than others, but overcoming the struggles and obstacles makes everything worth it. My buddy Forrest is a true inspiration. He decided to not take the college route and pursue an art career. I empathize the struggles he faces in pursuing his passion, but no one said pursuing your happiness will be easy. I went out to a live music and art show he participated in. It was in a located at mom and pop pizza shop. It was nothing large, but I respected his hustle because he was at least happy unlike many others.