MURS is a very special artist to me. I actually didin't get into music until the seventh grade and Murray's Revenge along the side with Earthtones, were the first CDs I ever bought (the first CD I owned was Nsync back in the boy band era. But trust me, I listened to Bye Bye Bye once and haven't listened to it ever since). As corny as it sounds, hip-hop is the reason why I'm doing a lot of things today. One would be effulgence. Something about those jazzy hip-hop sounds really caught my eardrums attention. It was definitely a humbling experience to meet MURS and to tell him in person. He had a huge smile on his face with a simple polite "I appreciate that." Out of all of these signings I've attended, MURS seemed to be the most authentic and genuine. He was warm, shook your hand, smiled and looked you in the eye. He was simply true and felt real. That's just another reason why MURS is still one of my favorites. Due to the rain and major traffic, I was late for the free mini show and signing at Rasputin Berkeley, but it was well worth it. Thanks again MURS!