November 10, 2011


Birthday Peek
November 10th, 2011 marks effulgence's birthday. Happy two years to the state of brilliance! This was not the type of reception I was planning on. Ideally, I wanted to announce the release date for Drop 3 Part I (which was set for this weekend), but I noticed a slight mistake on a final product. My apologies yet again. Hopefully if it all goes well the drop will release next weekend. Thanks for your patience. This has been a slow, yet rewarding progress to see where effulgence is today. We are still striving to grow even more and more for the years to come. We are excited for the big things we have planned for the future drops. Thanks for all of your support through these two years. I can't thank all of my effu crew supporters enough for helping me to make my dream come true. effu crew represent!


