I waited 3 hours in line to get autographs from two of the greats. The two arrived fashionably late, to be more specific one hour late! And the Rasputin workers had five songs from the album on repeat. The meet and greet was very quick. I could barely get a word with both of them. Damian seemed lit out of his mind and Nas was friendly. This is my breakdown of my conversations:
Me: Thanks for coming out today.
Nas: No problem.
Me: I love the album, a must needed positive influence album to the hip-hop game
Nas: I'm glad to hear that
*Slides CD over to Damian
Me: Thanks Mr. Marley for coming out today.
My pictures failed miserably today at the signing. So peep my friend Jason's (fongstarr) blog for photos and his recap of the event: